PHP Zip File Functions
PHP Zip File Introduction
The Zip files functions allows you to read ZIP files.
For the Zip file functions to work on your server, these libraries must be installed:
- The ZZIPlib library by Guido Draheim: Download the ZZIPlib library
- The Zip PELC extension: Download the Zip PELC extension
Installation on Linux Systems
PHP 5+: Zip functions and the Zip library is not enabled by default and must be downloaded from the links above. Use the --with-zip=DIR configure option to include Zip support.
Installation on Windows Systems
PHP 5+: Zip functions is not enabled by default, so the php_zip.dll and the ZZIPlib library must be downloaded from the link above. php_zip.dll must be enabled inside of php.ini.
To enable any PHP extension, the PHP extension_dir setting (in the php.ini file) should be set to the directory where the PHP extensions are located. An example extension_dir value is c:\php\ext.
PHP Zip File Functions
PHP: indicates the earliest version of PHP that supports the function.
Function | Description | PHP |
zip_close() | Closes a ZIP file | 4 |
zip_entry_close() | Closes an entry in the ZIP file | 4 |
zip_entry_compressedsize() | Returns the compressed size of an entry in the ZIP file | 4 |
zip_entry_compressionmethod() | Returns the compression method of an entry in the ZIP file | 4 |
zip_entry_filesize() | Returns the actual file size of an entry in the ZIP file | 4 |
zip_entry_name() | Returns the name of an entry in the ZIP file | 4 |
zip_entry_open() | Opens an entry in the ZIP file for reading | 4 |
zip_entry_read() | Reads from an open entry in the ZIP file | 4 |
zip_open() | Opens a ZIP file | 4 |
zip_read() | Reads the next entry in a ZIP file | 4 |
PHP Zip File Constants